Hearing Tests

Hearing impairment affects more than just your ability to hear — it affects your quality of life. Winter Haven Audiology stresses the importance of an accurate and timely hearing test.

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Hearing Device Adjustment

Struggling to understand speech but your away from your primary provider or on vacation. Come in and see us! We’ll chat, clean your devices and assess if we are able to adjust your devices to meet your hearing needs.

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Earwax Management

Earwax, that yellowish-brown substance produced by the glands of the external ear, may conjure the ick factor for many people, but it actually serves a pretty important purpose.

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Speech Mapping

Speech mapping is a mechanism for fine-tuning hearing aids with the specific volume at each pitch to maximize your ability to understand speech (according to international standards).

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Hearing Aid Clean and Check

Your hearing devices are tiny computers. Just like your personal computer at home, your hearing technology needs to be kept dry and dust-free to keep working properly.

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Hearing Aid Repair

Even if you take care of your hearing aids and keep up with regular maintenance, time takes its toll on all technology, and it’s possible that yours will eventually wear out through the course of normal use.

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Child Hearing Treatment

Growing up is quite the adventure, but with a hearing problem, it’s an adventure that’s hard to navigate no matter how courageous the spirit.

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Earbuds and Monitors

Musicians who perform regularly need equipment that protects hearing from the rigors of the stage, and loud sounds in particular.

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Captioned Telephones

Not only does CaptionCall allow you to catch every word of your conversation, but it provides a clear advantage to those who prefer to use landlines while wearing hearing aids.

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Hearing Protection

Exposure to excessive noise levels (greater than 85 decibels) during work or other activities can significantly increase your risk of hearing loss, or exacerbate an existing hearing impairment.

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Tinnitus Treatment

That Ringing In My Ear — That Hissing, Whistling, Pulsating Tone …
It’s called tinnitus, and for some, it’s a debilitating experience.

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